Tuesday, February 6, 2007

the rollover

Good morning! Connor started his day is his usual cheery way...with a smile and some sucks in the air -indicating that he was hungry. I fed, changed and played with him -we did some stretches, read stories together and sang some songs. Good thing he doesn't mind my voice...Tessa used to cry when I'd sing her lullabies ..I never knew if it was because the song was sad or my voice was that bad. likely the latter...lol.

I put him on his mat to play....he did his first rollover from tummy to back.....yay!!!
He's been doing it from back to tummy since before Christmas..but this was the first tummy to back...of course I didn't have the camera on...so I'll be watching for the next big roll over:) After his hard work ...he decided time to nap and off to sleep he went.

1 comment:

mel said...

Way to go Connor! You will have to come over and teach your buddy Sara to roll over. Hope to see you soon. You are so cute!