Since I'm being proactive with Connors health as I am with Tessa's ..I've been doing tons of reading and searching for information that pertains to his health and wellness. I found a great web site that suggests time lines for particular examinations and check ups for eyes, ears, heart, thyroid , etc... as well as tips. I'm going to put the key things in point form for those interested and for others who want more info....I'll put the web site url.....
This pertains to children with trisomy 21/down syndrome
Firstly, I've learned's called down syndrome not downs syndrome...discovered by John Down.
-it's essential to establish cardic status of every child by age of 6 weeks
-a clinical exam is NOT enough to detect all of the most serious abnormalities
-newborns should have a clinical exam plus a echocardiogram or clinical, plus echo and xray....then again at 6 weeks.
(note: makes me mad Connor didn't get properly checked until my insistance....and awareness of necessity until almost age 6 months...grr)
-even if early check ups prove "normal" regular check ups shoulds take place because some "structural probs may not have been evident at an earlier age"
-minor heart defects may be missed in those who didn't have an echo cardiogram
-"parents of children with heart lesions should be given verbal and written information about infectivecarditis preventative measures" That site has a sample document available
-a "normal echo" at birth does not mean that he/she won't develop heart disease at a later stage
-peridontal (dental) care is essential and very important with regards to heart health issues
-echo results should be read by a person trained in pediatric heart health
Ophthalmic -eye health
-all newborns should be examined for congenital cataracts and other eye probs by a trained specialist
-the test should be repeated at 6 weeks (grr again ...Next thing to get on someone about...other than a quick clinical ...Connor has not been looked at by a specialist)
-bewtween 18 and 24 months ..all should have a formal vision assessment....(but tips on the trisomy seems for sure if you notice anything get your child in sooner....squinting, abnormal gaze,etc)
-after age sure to get eye exams every 2 think i broke or lost my glasses as child....every year so it may be sooner for your child if they are like i was :)
-common to have nasocrimal duct obstruction.... and up to 30% may have blepharitis (inflammation of the eye lids)
-chart growth patterns for at least the first 2 years charts
-there are a number of conditions that may lead to poor growth....congenital heart disease, sleep related obstructive airway, celiac, inadequate nutrients...likely from malabsorption...thyroid problems.
-thyroid should be checked when theres weight gain
head circumference should be measured at birth...and 6 weeks and charted
Cervical Spine abnormality
-"small risk for acute or chronic neurological problems caused by cervical spinal instability"
-cervical spinal xrays can not predict....dislocation/sublaxation at the atlantoaxial joint
- sport participation is ok
- if ever in a road accident...medics should be alerted to the possibility of cervical spine instability" and the care for it
*For that reason when I get Connors Medic alert bracelet I will put that info on it. Even though we are with Tessa all the time or someone else is...I got Tessa bracelet because if we are ever knocked unconscious in an accident I wanted her info known..the same for connor now too.
-if pain comes on behind the ear or neck, a change in walking, bowel or bladder skills after established ...keep in mind possible spine problem....get it checked asap by a neurologist or spinal orthopedic surgeon
-all babies with trisomy should be checked for hypothyroidism...I do not know if Connor was tested...guess I'll have to find that out.
A guthrie test is the finger prick for blood test...not all test this way..(I hope they do here for Connor...he hates blood tests ...dont we all)
-changes in energy, cognition, growth or weight...check thyroid
-even when on meds it should be checked regularly
-from my own experience, i can say that a thyroid dores not always initially show on tests took 2 years of testing before mine hypo..actually hashimotos...which means it's inactive
-tests every 2 years from age 1 throughout life ..test T4, TSH and thyroid antibiodies
-the possibility of hyperthyroidism should be kept in mind too
-with over 50 % hearing impairment may be mild, moderate, severe or profound
-do not let it go undetected or unchecked see a specialist in audiology asap
-information given to the parent should be supported with written information
-even if the baby passed at birth he/she should be checked again bewteen 6 and 10 months..."measure auditory thresholds, impedience testing and otoscopy"
-by age 10 months it should be known if there is permanent hearing loss...and then a plan put in effect for care and management
-18 months...same tests and again yearly until age 5..and every 2 years after unless probs
-our children are predisposed to ear wax build up due to narrow ear canals...this may affect hearing tests. Connor was tested ...he failed in one ear...but another test showed he failed because of ear wax build up..and that the middle ear ewas loss so far at age 4 or 5 months...we'll get him tested again soon....where's my calender...?
so that's my notes in a quick blurb...check out the site that I've got most of this info from....for further info, resources and references....I printed everything out...for my Connor binder....and highlighted the things to keep in mind for quick reference.
The Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group
Of course I've learned so much more about other things but that's a tale for another day........hope that this helps anyone interested.
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1 comment:
good luck in the vitamins.. we never had tried them with Mayson be alwasy have wondered in the back of my mind if we should of.. let me know how it goes!!
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