Sunday, May 27, 2007

What children with special needs teach a parent....

i often think about this..but often had a hard time putting into words until last night i read a book...that expressed the things that i think about....people often say ..."oh your children are so lucky to have you".....really it's the other way around..I'm so lucky to have them....they are my biggest blessings in life.

From the book..."I am the child" by C. Freeman...." I am the child....I give you opportunities discover the depth of your character, not mine, the depth of your life, your commitment, your patience , your abilities, the opportunity to explore your spirit more deeply than you imagined possible.I drive you further than you would ever go on your own, working harder, seeking answers to your many questions, creating questions with no answers. (It's true children bring these things out in me)
From the child that can not walk..."My gift to you is to make you aware of your own great fortune, your healthy back and legs, your ability to do for yourself"
(true again...although i still wish with all my heart that Tessa could walk....strangely she doesn't says she likes wheelin around...hmmm...optimistic and a good attitude:)

From the child that is intellectually impaired....."If I don't learn easily you judge me by the worlds measuring stick. What I do know is infinite joy in simple things . i am not burdened as you are with the strifes and conflicts of a more complicated world".
Through this comes the gift of learning to enjoy things like a child would...helps keep one young so they say..guess i'm really putting it to the test.

My children teach me ...innocent trust, unconditional love, respect for others and their uniqueness. They teach me about the sanctity of life and how precious it truly is and not to be taken for granted. I treasure each moment with all my children and step-daughters.
They teach me about giving and for going my own needs. They teach me hope and faith.
They teach me to dream.

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